Surveys, reports, & tactics guides based on unique, leading edge, measurable Best Practices & Processes.
Short videos with takeaway guides on key areas to ensure success.
Stonehill’s 21 Best Practices for a connected organization were chosen to be powerful influencers on using your infrastructure/over-all operations (e.g., your values and how you structure, recruit, train, set goals, resolve conflicts, measure and manage) to give context to, and shape a “belonging” culture and behaviors.
Also chosen to be practical (sensible, doable & familiar), they work with current goals & tactics, apply to everyone, and are measurable and non-weaponizable, giving you quantifiable, positive “benchmarks” that help deliver the connections you need today.
This comprehensive “foundation” assures you reach your goals, without which, even good tactics may fail today.
Our assessment uses these 21 best practices in an anonymous, online survey of your organization, asking “to what extent” and “how important” each one is, which gives:
For each Best Practice, the Guide provides additional information and powerful tactics. These practical, researched actions are usable tactics to create and strengthen your connected infrastructure that benefits everyone.
The role of today’s manager/leader has changed given today’s challenges and the need for a connected culture:
Our research has identified the 22 manager best practices (from what works and what doesn’t) that support today’s new role. These leading-edge practices were chosen to assure successful teams. They cover:
Additionally, adding any of the best practices to managers/leader training will strengthen the skill set of your management team.
Our assessment of manager’s team on these 22 best practices uses an anonymous, online survey to ask “to what extent” the manager uses these practices. This pinpoints the specific areas the manager can work on to improve their own management/leadership.
The Tactics Guide provides practical, doable tactics and added information for each of the 22 Best Practices to help the manager as they update their skills & processes. The tactics are applicable to all manager/leader positions and chosen to support both the success of the team and the organization.
Today’s changing and challenging environment for organizations, puts a spotlight on attracting and retaining the people you need for your work teams.
Connecting your people into teams and partnerships is today’s powerful strategy to attract and retain, especially the people your organization needs from the wider demographics in today’s workforce/talent groups.
An inclusive and effective problem solving/decision making process is fundamental to today’s successful organizations.
A strong connection to your community/marketplace in times of change is the most important component of continued success.
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